Berikut ini merupakan materi kuliah Teknologi Pengolahan Kelapa bagi Prodi D-3 Teknologi Hasil Pertanian UNS. Download Overview Komoditas Kelapa Download...
Berikut ini merupakan materi kuliah Teknologi Pengolahan Kelapa bagi Prodi D-3 Teknologi Hasil Pertanian UNS. Download Overview Komoditas Kelapa Download...
In the early of 2012, UNS gains an special achievement from 4ICU. Among thousands universities in Indonesia, UNS is awarded...
Having long term big project in Jogjakarta causes me to be a commuter. People agree that the most appropriate transportation...
Penerimaan PKM AI dan PKM GT 2012 telah dibuka! Informasi lebih lanjut silakan klik di Catatan: 9 Maret...
Kesempatan berkarir di Nutrifood dan GarudaFood !!! 1. Research and Development (RDE) (Nutrifood) Male / Female, age max. 27...
Seorang pelanggan bubur ayam yang sedang menikmati makanannya mendapatkan sebuah sekrup dalam mangkuk buburnya, tapi ia tidak menghiraukan sekrup tsb...
With Dr. Bambang (the trainer from ITS – Surabaya) and Ir. Bambang Sigit, M.Si (the chairman of Dept. Food...
How to make hard candy? Please enjoy this video Source:
Unhealthy and underquality foods result in the emergence of a risk to quality of health. It also has long-term negative...
Energy is one of the key building blocks of sustainable development, since it has a deep linkage with all three...