Unhealthy and underquality foods result in the emergence of a risk to quality of health. It also has long-term negative impact on the formation of the nation’s generation. The low quality of these snacks will also affect and interfere with nutrient intake. Meals and snacks problem need to be concerned for the society, especially parents and teachers.  School-age children are the nation’s investment, because they are the future generation. The quality of the nation’s future is determined the quality of children today.

The purpose of this community service activity is to give people an understanding of the dangers of unhealthy foods. This is focus on parents through consuling activity.  Then, hopefully, they can convey the knowledge to their children. This activity is important for mothers in imparting to their children to be careful and discipline in eating snacks. For the medium term, this activity is expected to alter the pattern of snack consumption among children. For the longer term, these activities will contribute for improving the quality of Indonesian human resources, particularly in the former residency of Surakarta.

The community service activities have been implemented in five sub-district ex-Surakarta residency, that are on Jebres, Kenokorejo, Bendosari, Banjarsari, and Colomadu. This activity was funded by DIPA BLU Faculty of Agriculture UNS 2012.

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