The aim of this study was to determine the influence of using edible coating breadfruit starch (Arthocarpus altilis) with various concentration of glycerol as plasticizer toward physical properties (texture) and chemical (aw, water content,) jenang dodol during storage. This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with one factors, the concentration of glycerol in the edible coating. There are four concentration of glycerol that is equal to 0%, 1.0%, 1.5%, 2% and one sample without coating (control). The results obtained is that the higher concentration of glycerol produces  harder texture of jenang dodol. The highest texture is showed of jenang dodol coated with glycerol 2.0% at 29.2020 N and the lowest is the control at 4.6847 N. The higher concentration of glycerol produced higher point of water content. The highest water content on the last day of storage is the glycerol 2.0%  at 25.5434% and the smallest is the control at 22.1255%. The use of edible packaging with various concentrations of glycerol as a plasticizer  gives protection to the water activity of jenang dodol with a range of 0.89 to 0.91 on the last day of storage. The higher concentration of glycerol produced a smaller TBA. Glycerol 2.0% had the smallest value of TBA about 0.1264 mg malonaldehyde/kg of material and control give the highest value of TBA at 0.4625 mg malonaldehyde/kg of material. The similiar reseach area using jackfruit seed starch (Artocarpus heterophylluss) was also investigated which resulted in almost simililar trend. These research were conducted by Wisnu Samuel Atamaja  and Dyan Kurnia Sari from Department of Food Science and Technology UNS, under supervision of Ir. Windi Atmaka, M.P and Dimas Rahadian A.M, S.TP, M.Sc. This article is also published in Jurnal Teknosains Pangan Vol II No 1 January 2013. It also can be downloaded in fullpaper via