The aim of this study was to determine the influence of addition with various concentration of glycerol on the sensoric properties, chemical properties (aw, moisture content, total acid, and pH), and antioxidant activity getuk purple sweet potato during storage.  On the whole of analysis used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with one factor that is a variation on getuk glycerol concentration. The concentration of glycerol was added at 0%, 3%, 6% and 9%, while for chemical  observation were observed at 0, 8, 16, 24, and 32, 40 and 48 hours, and for sensoric test at 0 hours. The sensoric properties include texture, appearance, smell, taste, and overall parameters. The chemical properties include water activity, moisture content, aw, pH, total acid, and antioxidant activity. The results showed that in sensoric analysis, panelists could distinguish getuk with the addition of glycerol on concentration of 0%, 3%, 6%, and 9%. Water content and water activity (aw) has a decreasing value with increasing concentration of glycerol, 0% glycerol concentration has the highest value, while 9% has the lowest value. For total acid has increased the value during the storage, 0% glycerol concentration has the highest value, while 9% has the lowest value. While for the pH value continued to decrease over time during storage. On the analysis of antioxidant activities obtained the results that the concentration of 9% has the highest value and concentration of 0% has the lowest value for each testing period. This research is conducted by Wasito Wahyu Basuki from Department of Food Science and Technology UNS, under supervision of Ir. Windi Atmaka, M.P and Dimas Rahadian A.M, S.TP, M.Sc. This article is also published in Jurnal Teknosains Pangan Vol II No 1 January 2013. It also can be downloaded in fullpaper via