The purpose of this reasearch is to understand the best formula and rate of consumer preferences to takoyaki that made of tapioca flour and varieties of formulas and to get to know the character of the nutrition content (fat, protein, carbohydrate, ash content, water content) in takoyaki that made of tapioca flour and  tempe. Tempe is subtitute for both in filling and brothing.The result of the research indicated that the best formula in the making of takoyaki that made of tapioca flour and tempe was 70%  of  wheat flour and 30% of tapioca flour. Sample of 100% of wheat flour amounting to 33,7750 N and sample of 30 %  of tapioca flour amounting to  24,5415 N. The formula is preferenced by consumers. The result of proximate test indicated that takoyaki that made of tapioca flour 70% : 30% and tempe as subtitute for both in filling and broth had : water content (wb) 46,52% , ash content (db) 1,54%, fat (db) 4,30%, protein (db) 10,29%,  carbohydrate (db) 36,99%. This research is conducted by Ria Aristawati from Department of Food Science and Technology UNS, under supervision of Ir. Windi Atmaka, M.P and Dimas Rahadian A.M, S.TP, M.Sc. This article is also published in Jurnal Teknosains Pangan Vol II No 1 January 2013. It also can be downloaded in fullpaper via