In the ancient time, at each delivery new born baby,the cooked winter squash with coco sugar is always served as the first foodfor the whole family and the neighbor who help the parturition.
Now we found that:
Cup of winter squash fruit juice (70 cc) is enough to meet the daily need of pro–vitamin A for baby and the children
70 gram blanched cut winter squash fruit with cooked minced meat is a good breakfast menufor adults in the term of fiber and pro–vitamin A daily intake Winter squash fruit flour can enrich composite flour for biscuits and cookies, as well as cakes. Dried and freeze winter squash fruit slice and winter squash fruit flourare important commodities in Asia and the USA. The dried or freeze food winter squash fruit sliced can be reconstituted as breakfast or dinner. Winter squash fruit flour can be used to enriched cosmetics product as an agent of skin cancer because of its lutein and beta-caroten content This poster was made and published by Prof. Murdijati Gardjito and Dimas Rahadian AM on:
70 gram blanched cut winter squash fruit with cooked minced meat is a good breakfast menufor adults in the term of fiber and pro–vitamin A daily intake Winter squash fruit flour can enrich composite flour for biscuits and cookies, as well as cakes. Dried and freeze winter squash fruit slice and winter squash fruit flourare important commodities in Asia and the USA. The dried or freeze food winter squash fruit sliced can be reconstituted as breakfast or dinner. Winter squash fruit flour can be used to enriched cosmetics product as an agent of skin cancer because of its lutein and beta-caroten content This poster was made and published by Prof. Murdijati Gardjito and Dimas Rahadian AM on: