Do you have idea, opinion, article, story, or picture that you think that it is interesting for public? Just send it to a mass media! If you are lucky, it  will be published. Not only become famous, may you also get financial benefit from your creation.

I didn’t expect too much when sending pictures about tourism in Prague to Kedaulatan Rakyat (KR). I think, it is not very special pictures. I just send it to the newspaper. And… taraaaaaaa… the pictures are published on 29/01/12. I am sure, readers of KR (at least) know my name and know that someone named Dimas Rahadian AM is still alive in this world, because of the pictures. As I said, I also got salary from the newspaper. As I remember, this is my 11th creations published in a newspaper.

So, what are you waiting for??? Let us try to share and send your idea to mass media. Just try to send it !
