Amazing ! In 2012, 354 teams from Sebelas Maret University gain Student Creativity Program (PKM) grant. There are consist of 102 PKMK, 22 PKMKC, 84 PKMM, 121 PKMP, and 23 PKMT from students in every faculty in UNS. This means that about 20% (354 of 1701) of all UNS proposals sent to DIKTI are received and approved.

(Source: http://uns.ac.id/news_event.php?idMn=1&act=det&idA=778)

Special congratulation to UNS student under my supervision:

1. SHINTA NURUL L. and team, whose proposal entitled “Pendugaan Umur Simpan dan Kondisi Mutu Baby Organic Vegetable dengan menggunakan MAP sebagai upaya penanganan Pasca Panen yang Tepat” is approved in PKMP grant.

2. MUHAMMAD WAHIB I. and team, whose proposal entitled “KURAWI: Olahan pangan Inovatif Guna Menunjang Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Dusun Gugur Kab. Karanganyar” is approved in PKMM grant.

3. FEBI INDRAYATI and team, whose proposal entitled “Prospek Ubi Jalar berbagai Warna dalam Pembuatan pelangi French Fries yang Berantioksidan sebagai Peluang Usaha Praktis Bagi Mahasiswa” is approved in PKMK grant.

More information about all of PKM proposals approved by DIKTI can be seen on:  http://dikti.go.id/files/dp2m/kpm/2012/Lampiran%20Surat%20Pengumuman%20PKM%20didanai%202012.pdf

CONGRATULATION UNS !!! See you in PIMNAS 2012 in Jogjakarta !
